Digitizing one of the world’s largest collections of ancient arms & armor on the blockchain
Once upon a time
The Knights Who Say Nah are elite warriors from ancient cultures that have been ripped through the space/time continuum when the vibrational energy from the metaverse creates an Einstein Rosen bridge to the present. These anachronistic warriors arrive in our present time and realize that if they don’t preserve the ancient artifacts and last pieces of their respective cultures it’ll be as if they never existed at all…
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Pidgeon Post
First-of-its-Kind Interactive 3D NFTs
JUNE 11 2022
The Knights Who Say Nah hosted an event to introduce its upcoming NFT collections including first-of-its-kind realistic 3D NFTs from the world’s largest private collection of arms, armor, and other artifacts.
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World’s Largest Private Ancient Arms Collection
JUNE 24 2022
If you wanted the chance to wield a medieval sword in person, you might have missed your shot; there’s still an opportunity to experience these objects in augmented reality (AR) and to purchase them as NFTs.
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Of Arms, The Man And The Metaverse
JUNE 23 2022
Late one afternoon, I found myself standing in a large high-ceilinged room surrounded by a selection of rare items from the largest private collection of arms and armor.
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